
Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Life of Moving

One of my goals this year was to get my own place, and away from family. Well, the end of June marked that huge step for me. Though it unfortunately pulled me away from one of my other goals for the year: blogging.

I've been so wrapped up with catering to a 2 year old, trying to unpack, keep the place picked up, and catching up on much needed sleep that many of my goals fell to the way side. I've been in the place for 6 months now, I'm still not even "mostly" unpacked - more like "sort of mostly", but it's finally starting to feel like it's really MINE.

Finally I have a safe haven. Finally I have the space to be truly free, without the unwanted gaze of someone who I feel is constantly judging my every move. Finally - I can be me.

The ability to walk around the house in whatever I so please in any given moment - be it with pants, or without, and to be able to simply decide to put the dishes off until later has been quite an experience! Not many realize how freeing it is to be able to walk around the house in nothing but a t-shit and panties, knowing that it's YOUR house, knowing that no one can just spontaneously come home and catch you doing it (which is typically followed by an unsupportive look).

This is my new life, and all I have to do is LIVE!