
Monday, April 29, 2013

New Things on the Horizon

This past month has been one hell of a roller coaster. Lots of things going on at work. Lots of things going on in the stars. Just all around lots going on.

Since getting into the final stages of my Initiation I've been rather busy on the whole, but here in the last day or two of April I'm accomplishing my goal to post at least once per month. I just got a new iPad, so that should help me stay on track with this plan through the year - and who knows... It may even provoke me to post more.

I made a promise to myself earlier this year, with witnesses, that I would give myself a break more often, and take time just for me (no baby). I've actually been keeping up with that a little bit. I'm still trying to get the hang of it, but I've already gone out a couple of times with some friends. I went and got my nails done yesterday, and I'm going out again tonight to celebrate my good friends birthday.

I've also, just last night, set up a secondary blog. I created it through Wordpress. I have a few friends who prefer their interface to this one, so I thought I'd give it a try. Figure if all else fails I can just transfer those posts to a new section of this existing space. This new blog (found here) will be for my exploration of the tarot, and will be a space for me to offer readings while I'm learning this divinatory practice. Eventually it will include astrological items as well, and other currently unknown items as well. I want to start offering services, and I thought this would be a good place for me to start.

I'm not sure how things are going to pan out, but I hope that these changes are for the highest good of all. And most importantly I hope I can help a few people along the way.

Love and Light!