
Sunday, May 6, 2012

2012: A year of Flowers and Dragons

My thoughts come and go like the wind, though this particular theme keeps resurfacing. It's important to note the things that recur within our day to day lives, and to try and reflect on them. It is my belief that the divine sends us messages, hints, signs - anything really to catch our attention and to give us a glimpse into the future, or to give us that extra bit information that we need to finish a given puzzle.

In December of last year, the coven that I have the honour of Initiating into this year held a Full Moon circle in which oracles were present. These oracles were to deliver messages of the year to come. Now, it's been a few months so I don't remember the exact wording - and to be honest that wording left me before I said my good-bye's that very evening. My mind constantly translates things into statements that it can understand - this was no different. What the message comes down to is this: "Watch him, and in a field of flowers he will show you the way out."

Now, I received this message after I had submitted my application for Initiation, but before I had received an answer on my acceptance. I had been fretting the news for weeks. In fact, it had started before I hit the 'Send' button. It had begun the moment I started putting my words into the application itself. I had such a great calling to this coven from the moment that I had, in a roundabout way, found them. The importance of this is quite simple... This coven, Come As You Are Coven, has formed many traditions - one of which being the Wildflowers. And in that moment, I knew. I knew I had been accepted, that I had been welcomed into the family that they had created.

Flowers are a unique being unto themselves. Within the same species each flower has it's own thumbprint, a special pattern and colouring, a specific energy. Various types have made themselves known, with the Lotus making a more prominent statement. I know that as the year passes this will continue, and I can only pray that I remember the symbolism behind it...

Ever since I found CAYA, various magickal things have been popping up in more frequency. I have refound my admiration for the faeries, and for dolphins, but most importantly for dragons. This year is the year of the Water Dragon. Water is my favoured element, and the first time a Dragon year came into my life I was just shy of 3 months old - so this year holds some valuable meaning.

On top of all of that, I am being reminded of gifts that I once cherished. Having the ability to hear across the veils can be overwhelming, but it can also be a quick transport to anywhere that is less mundane than this place. My system hasn't quite synced up to that standing, but the sensations are becoming more and more clear.

Each initiate has a journey. This journey is unique and mind blowing in ways that anyone who hasn't been through the process won't quite understand. My journey thus far has been quite a ride. Everywhere I turn I notice the same things, patterns, and numbers. Everywhere I go I feel, sense, and know things that no human has any business meddling with. I suppose in that case that it's good that I'm no human, in body - perhaps, but definitely not within my spirit.

Here is simply where my story begins. This is just the beginning, and hopefully the road to where I need to be. Let my path be decorated with flowers, and let my ears be filled with the whispers of the dragons, but most importantly let this journey be blessed!


  1. I remember giving you this oracle... but I don't know what I said either.

    It's too bad, it would've been a neat comparison. I'm glad things are going so well for you.

    Also... welcome to blogging. lol

    1. Having the comparison would indeed be awesome. Though I totally understand your not remembering. xD

      Haha, Thanks!
