
Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Year, A New Me

Two thousand and thirteen. What a number! If you're in to numerology it's a power number of 6: "all about sacrificing, caring, healing, protecting and teaching others" (Source Here). Not to mention the "13" that shows in it's short form - whatever your beliefs, that too is big. 

For me, this year will complete my Initiation into the Wildflower Tradition of CAYA Coven. It's been an amazing journey, had some ups and downs, but I've made it trough - and now the countdown begins toward Ordination.

I've set a goal to blog at least once per month, with high hopes of being able to post more than that. I'm not sure yet what that will consist of, but I'm hopeful of the journey that will soon come to pass. I'll look into writing prompts or other topics, anything that can get my mind whirling. I will welcome any suggestions as well - I make no promises to post on all that come in, but I will source those that I do.

I've been meaning to get more hands on with the Tarot as well. I have several decks, all of which I've pulled beautiful readings from. Though I strive to learn to do that without the help of books. I have amazing friends who can read the cards without a second thought, and I admire them dearly. Now's my turn to do it myself, maybe that will be part of my monthly postings... Hmm.

I wish you all luck on your adventures. May you have a Blessed year. And may you find love along the way!

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