
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Final Touches

So, last weekend was the big, private retreat, where we as a coven go off into the woods to celebrate the mystery and the transformation of ourselves, and the to-be-ordained Initiates. This past weekend was the smaller, public ritual that seals the deal.

My Saturday was spent preparing for the ritual, making sure everything was packed and ready to go, and attempting to make my hair cooperate. This whole time change thing had me on my toes towards the end of my "allotted time" though - that was rather interesting, and anything but fun.

I got several comments on how much like Marilyn Monroe I looked, plus a few others on just how beautiful I was. I was highly flattered, and am still floating on the feel-good feelings that they brought up. My hair actually cooperated (even still had curls the next day, which was a total bonus), which if you know anything about me and my hair you know how much of a win this was. And I had a real good time!

I invited a dear friend of mine, who was able to come - which meant that I got to share that moment with someone I knew, who wasn't in the clergy, or on the path to being a clergy-person. From what I've heard it left a lasting impression, of the good variety, in both her and her precious daughter - which was another win!

It's been a couple of years since CAYA has had an Ordination ritual. Due to various reasons, the coven took a break from having Initiates and started the path of having Aspirants who would become Dedicants, who could immediately turn into Initiates if they so chose. I was able to attend the last ritual where they held ordinations - and it was lovely, but it's been 2 years so I'd forgotten some of the finer details.

This ritual was put on by several of the new Initiates (who I had the pleasure of watching grow during their Aspirant training), as well as a handful of other clergy. I must say they did an amazing job! I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and was able to experience what they had to offer. By the time it got to the point where my hive-mates and I were to go on the stage, I was so antsy with anticipation I could hardly wait. Of course, this part is best explained if you were actually there, but man... it.was.GOOD!

I proclaimed that I am the Priestess of the Soul's Journey, and that I have dedicated my work to Isis, Hekate, and Artemis.

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