
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Out of Touch

Aw man... So I'm clearly not sticking to my self-induced rule of posting once a month :( Yet another thing to go onto my "falling behind on" list.

I have been all over the place lately - not being able to focus, wanting to do all of the things... and showing little consistency. I did get to read the first three books in the "Beautiful Creatures" series, with book 4 coming out in paperback in October. I did start getting fit. I did overcome physical issues with my knee and my asthma acting up. Yet, while doing all of that, I managed to realize just how far behind I am on my reading, and how much I've missed with my musical interests.

I was looking for new books to obtain and read, and remembered a series that I had started reading while I was still pregnant and shortly after the birth of my son. In the past 3 years, that series went from having 3 or so books in it to over 10 - I've only read the first 2. I can only imagine whats happened to the other series that I've started over the years and had to move on because the next book hadn't come out yet - yes I like to stick to just one series at a time since I typically only find them after several have already been published.

On the music side... I haven't even looked for new CDs to get in a long while, and the last ones I bought were all Pagan themed since I had none prior. There are artists that I love to sink into when I'm in a mood, and I've missed so much. Granted the cost of music is much cheaper than it was even 5 years ago with the rise of iTunes and similar sites, but the mere thought of buying all of the music that I've missed or that I had never considered owning before just sends my wallet into shock. Catching up on one particular artist will cost me about $100 through iTunes, and more so if I went and bought the physical CDs so I could also listen to them in my car.

I used to have a list of all of the books I wanted to read, some I owned and some I didn't. It's been on my mind lately... I should find it and update it according. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to find it since I created it on a computer I no longer own, though maybe the power of the internets will save me because I think I posted it somewhere. I never did make one for music, though from the looks of it I'm going to have to start one. Pandora will just have to do in the meantime.

On the other side of things I've been thinking about my bucket list... Not exactly sure that's what I want to call it, but I want to make a list of things that I want to do and learn in my lifetime - which is the basis of a Bucket List. But ever since the movie came out (as amazing as it was) the term has just boomed all over the place, and I'm not exactly the type to follow the norm and do what everyone else is doing. I try to be unique (many years of being teased because my tastes just happen to line up with what others have started doing).

Ever since I started working out with the rest of Team Atlanta (an every growing couch to 5k running group started by the one and only Ivy) I've been feeling more alive than I've felt in a while. With that I want to retain the motivation to learn and do more and just get more in touch with what used to make me happy - or what will make me happy now.

I think now that I've become more committed to blogging I'll find a way to create the space for the 3 different lists on here. Not sure how I'm going to make that happen exactly, but I'll figure something out :)

Happy in Life

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