
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Good-bye 2013, Hello 2014

A post came across my feed on one of those social media sites (that I, of course, cannot find). It suggested that one write a letter to the past year, and release it by burning it. So... I wrote a letter.

Dear 2013.

We had a great year, but I need to let you go. While I'm sure there were many great times I cannot recall too many. For this reason I must let you go and heal. We shared smiles and laughter, tears and pain. You were there in the morning and there in the evening. You brought sunshine and rain, blue skies and grey. With your help I was able to begin new things. I learned a lot about myself along the way. I created new friendships and was able to let people in again. Thank you for granting me that much. However, 2014 has come and I need to look forward - not behind. I don't know yet what I have to gain, but I know I have nothing to lose. I wish you well, and will do my best to think fondly of you.

Thank you
and farewell


It's going into the fire, along with all of the other things I need to release from the year.

2014 is here - let the awesome begin!

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